Live On Pointe

Friday, October 24, 2014

Last-Minute DIY Halloween Costume Ideas (Super Fast & Easy!!)

I just uploaded a new Halloween video to my second channel, Clarissa May!  This video is special for all you procrastinators out there... if you've left your Halloween costume to the last minute, here are 13 super quick last-minute Costume ideas!  Hopefully these ideas help you out... let me know which one is your favorite in the comments below! ♡

Here is the pattern for the 20's flapper dress:

Have a safe, fun Halloween!

Clarissa May

Find me on Social Media:
Youtube: Live On Pointe & Clarissa May
Instagram: @clarissamay
Facebook: Live On Pointe
Twitter: @Clarissamay09

Sunday, October 19, 2014

Emily Corpse Bride DIY Makeup & Costume + Make your own wedding dress!

So this isn't a dance-related post, but I just had to share this video... it's getting so close to halloween!!! Ahhh!!!  

This week on my second Youtube channel (Clarissa May), I posted a video showing you how to make your own DIY corpse bride costume, complete with makeup, veil, and a flower crown... all for under $30!! 😱  I hope you guys enjoy! 😘

Here's the full pattern for the wedding dress pieces:

For a danceable version of this costume, check out my dance channel, Live On Pointe!

Clarissa May

Find me on Social Media:
Youtube: Live On Pointe & Clarissa May
Instagram: @clarissamay
Facebook: Live On Pointe
Twitter: @Clarissamay09


Sunday, October 12, 2014

Easy DIY Halloween Costumes for Dance!

It's Fall, and Halloween is getting close, so here are 6 super easy, really cute DIY costume ideas for dance class on Halloween!  I hope these inspire you, and help you decide what to wear to dance on Halloween! 😘 💕 

Visit my channels for more videos!

Clarissa May

Find me on Social Media:
Youtube: Live On Pointe & Clarissa May
Instagram: @clarissamay
Facebook: Live On Pointe
Twitter: @Clarissamay09