Live On Pointe

Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Clarissa's Day at the Fair (behind the scenes at a photoshoot!)

Have you seen my most recent video? It is a peek behind-the-scenes of my photoshoot and flash-mob performance at the fair!  Watch it, and let me know what you think!  

Clarissa May

Find me on Social Media:
Instagram: @clarissamay
Facebook: Live On Pointe
Twitter: @clarissamay09
Youtube: Live On Pointe & Clarissa May

Saturday, July 5, 2014

Backstage and Pre-Show Routine

You guys have been asking me for pre-performance tips, so I just uploaded a video of my backstage and pre-show routine! I hope my tips and tricks help you… feel free to comment with some of your own! 

Clarissa May

Find me on Social Media:
Instagram: @clarissamay
Facebook: Live On Pointe